Best ESO Trials for First-Time Players (and Other FAQs)

If you’re like me, when I was relatively new to the Elder Scrolls Online, I avoided trials for a full year because I thought I was too low level, and that they would be too frustrating. My first ever trial was then Maw of Lorkaj with a new team, at CP300 (back when the cap was lower).

Do not recommend.

Now that I’m a guild officer, though, I regularly put on trials for new players where we teach mechanics from the ground up. There are always lots of questions surrounding these events, so I thought I’d lay out a few of the more common ones.

Image Description: After a run with the Ebonheart Defenders guild, a group of players stands over the bodies of a Firstmage Overcharger and boss. All palyers are at full health. A score and timer display in the centre of the screen, while rocks float in a glowing green background.

Do I Need Trials Gear?

Yes and no. You can run perfectly viable builds in ESO with craftable, dungeon, and overland sets. But the very best sets of course drop from some of the most challenging content.

It always feels like the best meta builds use trials gear, but in order to complete those trials, you need the gear. This isn’t 100% true. Your rotation will carry you through until you get your optimal ESO gear.

At What Level can I Run a Trial?

You’ll want to be at least CP160 for normals, and closer to CP300+ for vet content (plus usually with a certain DPS). As long as your team consists of some experienced players, level doesn’t so much matter.

Though I will say that it is a LOT easier to play support roles on max CP characters.

What Role Should I Bring to a Trial?

I’ll put it this way, there’s the greatest demand right now for DPS. But if you feel that you’d do best at a support role, ask. A lot of teams will pair you with a more experienced player so you can learn mechanics.

How Hard are Trials?

That depends on the trial and whether it’s vet or normal. DLC trials are almost harder on normal than Craglorn trials on vet – for example, Halls of Fabrication or Sunspire.

Normal trials unfortunately do not prepare players for vet mechanics, which is a shame. With a really experienced, cohesive group, though, a normal Craglorn trial can be completed in 20 minutes or less, 30 for vet.

Image Description: Twelve Ebonheart Defenders players gather for a photo around a glowing fire pit in an ancient, dark library full of old books.

What’s the Best First Elder Scrolls Online Trial to Attempt?

Any of the normal Craglorn Three are fairly tame – but especially normal Aetherian Archive. Don’t be like me and jump right into nMOL. Unless you’re super confident, of course.

How do I Find a Team?

You can either use the guild finder to look for Teaching Trials teams, or try typing “LFG – Trial Name” into Craglorn (obviously with the right name inserted). Sometimes, if you’re watching, you’ll see people post openings for one that they’re running. Just know that PUGing it is a riskier proposition. Beware anyone who types, “Need 4 DPS and a healer for VMOL skin run” into zone.

Why Do Trials?

Trials provide gear, achievements, titles, dyes, and – more relevantly for most people – money. There’s Plunder in veteran rewards boxes, which can be banked for later. And if you get on the leaderboards with your team, you’ll get gold gear, which can be broken down for valuable mats.

If you run trials with your group, what are your tips for players just starting out?

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